Free tours at the Botanic Gardens will recommence on Thursday, 16 January.
The winter season tours will be of our iconic Kibble Palace and its wonderful plant collection. Initially there will be two tours on Thursdays, at 11am and 2pm. Other days may be added, depending on guide availability and demand.
Numbers on tours are restricted to 15, so if you have a group of six or more please email us and we may be able to arrange a dedicated guide for your party.
General information
Tours are free to the public without prior booking, though the maximum group size will be 15 and you may be asked to come back another at a later time if the group is full.
Please see our Visit page for information on transportation, parking and accessibility.
Please note that under 18s must be accompanied by an adult and that dogs are not permitted in the glasshouses so unfortunately the tours are not dog-friendly.
Volunteer as a Guide
If you are interested in training to become a volunteer guide, please get in touch!