Herbaceous Border Rejuvenation (Archive 2013)
If you visited the Gardens in the past month you may have seen a hive of activity going on at the top section of the herbaceous border. A couple of […]
Glasgow Botanic Gardens Herbarium Exhibition 2013
Glasgow Botanic Gardens (GBG) is holding a herbarium exhibition in the tea room gallery until 30 September. The exhibition shows a range of examples taken from our herbarium. GBG’s herbarium currently […]
Sweet Scented Jasmine
Jasminum rex can be seen flowering at the moment in the Palm House, it has an amazing sweet scent.
Trees Planted in Arboretum
The Gardens’ arboretum has seen around a hundred new trees being planted into it over the last year. The most recent trees have been a varied selection of Pines, Sorbus (Rowans) and […]
New Planting in Kibble Palace
The Gardens have recently replanted a section of the Kibble Palace with a large range of South African plant species including Proteas, Aloes and Pelargoniums. So come and see this […]
Rare Chilean plant flowering in the glasshouses
Puya alpestris is a species of bromeliad native to the Chilean Andes. Unfortunately when it has finished flowering the plant will die. This is known as monocarpic, but don’t worry as there are plenty of other offsets to […]
Maureen Bell Bequest
Maureen was a generous supporter of the Friends of the Botanic Gardens by making a major bequest to the Friends and we are currently developing the best way to utilise […]